Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Abby was on the front cover of the Spectrum in Saint George today! Here is the link if you want to check it out http://www.thespectrum.com/article/20110531/NEWS01/105310314/Girl-waits-hopes-for-a-new-heart--
Abby will probably be leaving the hospital tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle & Abby,
    This is Mrs. Gardner, Shauna from school.We read your article this morning.Our son Ashton and Abby have the same thing(HCM)!!!They notice a mummer when he was born kept watching it, and was diagnosed at 3. He never could/can do P.E.etc. We are flying to Rochester Minnesota tomorrow. He will have heart surgery at the Mayo clinic to cut out the thickening of his heart on June 7th 5:45a.m. That's crazy its the same heart problem! Stay in touch we will. Ashton's blog is ashtonsheart.blogspot.com
