This was a sad day, we really didn't want to leave. After leaving the Polynesian, we had to stop at the GKTW village and check out. Abby had a few things she still needed to do there. She got to go in the magic castle and make pillows for herself and for Britt and Brock, and she also had to write her name on a star so it could be placed on the ceiling in the castly by all of the other stars of kids that have been able to be a part of Give Kids the World. That place is amazing. When we were given a list of all of the businesses that donate to make it happen, it was very impressive. What a great thing, whoever thought of it is a genius.
Then I had to do the hardest thing ever, I had to give up my 2011 Camaro convertible. I almost cried, but I knew I had to do it, as a school teacher that's paying for a heart transplant, I knew I didn't make enough money last year to buy it. Maybe someday......... Our flight home was long and uneventful, but the drive home from Vegas seemed even longer. By the time we got home it was almost midnight, 2:00 am Florida time, and we were exhausted!
I have to give a big thanks to my friend Krista that watched our dogs for us while we were gone, I knew they would be well cared for while they were there. In fact, the dogs probably felt like they got to go on a vacation too! Thanks Krista!
I am so thankful that there is such a thing as Make-a-Wish and so grateful that we got to be a wish family. We never would have been able to take a vacation on our own. It was so refreshing for us as a family to escape from here for a while. We tried not to worry about anything medical, in fact, sometimes we even almost forgot to have Abby take her meds. It was almost, other than meds and the wheelchair, like we were a normal family again. It was a much needed break for all of us and we enjoyed every single second of it! We did have the time of our life! Thank you Make-a-Wish!!!
Abby talking to the magic tree that helped her make her pillow |
Britt with her pillow and Abby's pillow, they were perfect on the plane |
Each of those little stars has a kid's name on it, they were all over the castle. Abby's will be there soon! |
Waiting at the airport, don't they look thrilled??? Maybe not so happy to be going home. |
I think the Southwest logo was appropriate!! |
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